
Audit Logging Module

The Audit Logging Module basically implements the IAuditingStore to save the audit log objects to a database.

This document covers only the audit logging module which persists audit logs to a database. See the audit logging document for more about the audit logging system.

How to Install

This module comes as pre-installed (as NuGet/NPM packages). You can continue to use it as package and get updates easily, or you can include its source code into your solution (see get-source CLI command) to develop your custom module.

The Source Code

The source code of this module can be accessed here. The source code is licensed with MIT, so you can freely use and customize it.


Domain Layer


  • AuditLog (aggregate root): Represents an audit log record in the system.
    • EntityChange (collection): Changed entities of audit log.
    • AuditLogAction (collection): Executed actions of audit log.


Following custom repositories are defined for this module:

  • IAuditLogRepository

Database providers


Table / collection prefix & schema

All tables/collections use the Abp prefix by default. Set static properties on the AbpAuditLoggingDbProperties class if you need to change the table prefix or set a schema name (if supported by your database provider).

Connection string

This module uses AbpAuditLogging for the connection string name. If you don't define a connection string with this name, it fallbacks to the Default connection string. See the connection strings documentation for details.

Entity Framework Core

  • AbpAuditLogs
    • AbpAuditLogActions
    • AbpEntityChanges
      • AbpEntityPropertyChanges


  • AbpAuditLogs

See Also

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