
CMS Kit: Global Resources

CMS Kit Global Resources system allows to add global styles and scripts dynamically.

Enabling the Global Resources Feature

By default, CMS Kit features are disabled. Therefore, you need to enable the features you want, before starting to use it. You can use the Global Feature system to enable/disable CMS Kit features on development time. Alternatively, you can use the ABP Framework's Feature System to disable a CMS Kit feature on runtime.

Check the "How to Install" section of the CMS Kit Module documentation to see how to enable/disable CMS Kit features on development time.

The User Interface

Menu items

CMS Kit module admin side adds the following items to the main menu, under the Global Resources menu item:

  • Global Resources: Global resources management page.

CmsKitAdminMenus class has the constants for the menu item names.

Global Resources Page

Global Resources page is used to manage global styles and scripts in the system.



Domain Layer


This module follows the Entity Best Practices & Conventions guide.

  • GlobalResource (aggregate root): Stores a resource.


This module follows the Repository Best Practices & Conventions guide.

Following custom repositories are defined for this feature:

  • IGlobalResourceRepository

Domain services

This module follows the Domain Services Best Practices & Conventions guide.

Global Resource Manager

GlobalResourceManager is used to perform operations for the GlobalResource aggregate root.

Application layer

Application services

  • GlobalResourceAdminAppService (implements IGlobalResourceAdminAppService): Implements the management operations of global resources system.
  • GlobalResourcePublicAppService (implements IGlobalResourcePublicAppService): Implements the public use cases of global resources system.


Entity Framework Core

  • CmsGlobalResources


  • CmsGlobalResources
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