
ASP.NET Core MVC / Razor Pages UI: JavaScript Features API

abp.features API allows you to check features or get the values of the features on the client side. You can read the current value of a feature in the client side only if it is allowed by the feature definition (on the server side).

This document only explains the JavaScript API. See the Features document to understand the ABP Features system.

Basic Usage

//Gets a value as string.
var value = abp.features.get('ExportingToExcel');

//Check the feature is enabled
var enabled = abp.features.isEnabled('ExportingToExcel.Enabled');

All Values

abp.features.values can be used to access to the all feature values.

An example value of this object is shown below:

  Identity.TwoFactor: "Optional",
  ExportingToExcel.Enabled: "true",
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Mastering ABP Framework Book
Dominando a estrutura ABP

Este livro o ajudará a obter uma compreensão completa da estrutura e das técnicas modernas de desenvolvimento de aplicativos da web.