
Hangfire Background Job Manager

Hangfire is an advanced background job manager. You can integrate Hangfire with the ABP Framework to use it instead of the default background job manager. In this way, you can use the same background job API for Hangfire and your code will be independent of Hangfire. If you like, you can directly use Hangfire's API, too.

See the background jobs document to learn how to use the background job system. This document only shows how to install and configure the Hangfire integration.


It is suggested to use the ABP CLI to install this package.

Using the ABP CLI

Open a command line window in the folder of the project (.csproj file) and type the following command:

abp add-package Volo.Abp.BackgroundJobs.HangFire

Manual Installation

If you want to manually install;

  1. Add the Volo.Abp.BackgroundJobs.HangFire NuGet package to your project:

    Install-Package Volo.Abp.BackgroundJobs.HangFire
  2. Add the AbpBackgroundJobsHangfireModule to the dependency list of your module:

    //...other dependencies
    typeof(AbpBackgroundJobsHangfireModule) //Add the new module dependency
public class YourModule : AbpModule



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Mastering ABP Framework Book
Mastering ABP Framework

This book will help you gain a complete understanding of the framework and modern web application development techniques.