
Application Modules

ABP is a modular application framework which consists of dozens of NuGet & NPM packages. It also provides a complete infrastructure to build your own application modules which may have entities, services, database integration, APIs, UI components and so on.

There are two types of modules. They don't have any structural difference but categorized by functionality and purpose:

  • Framework modules: These are core modules of the framework like caching, emailing, theming, security, serialization, validation, EF Core integration, MongoDB integration... etc. They do not have application/business functionalities but makes your daily development easier by providing common infrastructure, integration and abstractions.
  • Application modules: These modules implement specific application/business functionalities like blogging, document management, identity management, tenant management... etc. They generally have their own entities, services, APIs and UI components.

Open Source Application Modules

There are some free and open source application modules developed and maintained as a part of the ABP Framework.

See the GitHub repository for source code of all modules.

Commercial Application Modules

ABP Commercial license provides additional pre-built application modules on top of the ABP framework. See the module list provided by the ABP Commercial.

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Neste documento
Mastering ABP Framework Book
Dominando a estrutura ABP

Este livro o ajudará a obter uma compreensão completa da estrutura e das técnicas modernas de desenvolvimento de aplicativos da web.