


abp-border is ABP Tag Helper attribute for border styling.

Basic usage:

<span abp-border="Default"></span>
<span abp-border="Top"></span>
<span abp-border="Right"></span>
<span abp-border="Bottom"></span>
<span abp-border="Left"></span>


See the borders demo page to see it in action.


A value indicates type, position and the color of the border. Should be one of the following values:

  • Default
  • _0
  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Success
  • Danger
  • Warning
  • Info
  • Light
  • Dark
  • White
  • Primary_0
  • Secondary_0
  • Success_0
  • Danger_0
  • Warning_0
  • Info_0
  • Light_0
  • Dark_0
  • White_0
  • Top
  • Top_0
  • Top_Primary
  • Top_Secondary
  • Top_Success
  • Top_Danger
  • Top_Warning
  • Top_Info
  • Top_Light
  • Top_Dark
  • Top_White
  • Top_Primary_0
  • Top_Secondary_0
  • Top_Success_0
  • Top_Danger_0
  • Top_Warning_0
  • Top_Info_0
  • Top_Light_0
  • Top_Dark_0
  • Top_White_0
  • Right
  • Right_0
  • Right_Primary
  • Right_Secondary
  • Right_Success
  • Right_Danger
  • Right_Warning
  • Right_Info
  • Right_Light
  • Right_Dark
  • Right_White
  • Right_Primary_0
  • Right_Secondary_0
  • Right_Success_0
  • Right_Danger_0
  • Right_Warning_0
  • Right_Info_0
  • Right_Light_0
  • Right_Dark_0
  • Right_White_0
  • Left
  • Left_0
  • Left_Primary
  • Left_Secondary
  • Left_Success
  • Left_Danger
  • Left_Warning
  • Left_Info
  • Left_Light
  • Left_Dark
  • Left_White
  • Left_Primary_0
  • Left_Secondary_0
  • Left_Success_0
  • Left_Danger_0
  • Left_Warning_0
  • Left_Info_0
  • Left_Light_0
  • Left_Dark_0
  • Left_White_0
  • Bottom
  • Bottom_0
  • Bottom_Primary
  • Bottom_Secondary
  • Bottom_Success
  • Bottom_Danger
  • Bottom_Warning
  • Bottom_Info
  • Bottom_Light
  • Bottom_Dark
  • Bottom_White
  • Bottom_Primary_0
  • Bottom_Secondary_0
  • Bottom_Success_0
  • Bottom_Danger_0
  • Bottom_Warning_0
  • Bottom_Info_0
  • Bottom_Light_0
  • Bottom_Dark_0
  • Bottom_White_0

(Values with _0 at the end is for Subtractive usages)

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Neste documento
Mastering ABP Framework Book
Dominando a estrutura ABP

Este livro o ajudará a obter uma compreensão completa da estrutura e das técnicas modernas de desenvolvimento de aplicativos da web.