


abp-dropdown is the main container for dropdown content.

Basic usage:

    <abp-dropdown-button text="Dropdown button" />
        <abp-dropdown-item href="#">Action</abp-dropdown-item>
        <abp-dropdown-item href="#">Another action</abp-dropdown-item>
        <abp-dropdown-item href="#">Something else here</abp-dropdown-item>


See the dropdown demo page to see it in action.



A value indicates which direction the dropdown buttons will be displayed to. Should be one of the following values:

  • Down (default value)
  • Up
  • Right
  • Left


A value indicates if an abp-dropdown-button will have split icon for dropdown. Should be one of the following values:

  • Single (default value)
  • Split

Menu items

abp-dropdown-menu is the main container for dropdown menu items.

Basic usage:

    <abp-dropdown-button button-type="Secondary" text="Dropdown"/>
        <abp-dropdown-header>Dropdown Header</abp-dropdown-header>
        <abp-dropdown-item href="#">Action</abp-dropdown-item>
        <abp-dropdown-item active="true" href="#">Active action</abp-dropdown-item>
        <abp-dropdown-item disabled="true" href="#">Disabled action</abp-dropdown-item>
        <abp-dropdown-item-text>Dropdown Item Text</abp-dropdown-item-text>
        <abp-dropdown-item href="#">Something else here</abp-dropdown-item>



A value indicates which direction abp-dropdown-menu items will be aligned to. Should be one of the following values:

  • Left (default value)
  • Right

Additional content

abp-dropdown-menu can also contain additional HTML elements like headings, paragraphs, dividers or form element.


<abp-dropdown >
    <abp-dropdown-button button-type="Secondary" text="Dropdown With Form"/>
        <form class="px-4 py-3">
            <abp-input asp-for="EmailAddress"></abp-input>
            <abp-input asp-for="Password"></abp-input>
            <abp-input asp-for="RememberMe"></abp-input>
            <abp-button button-type="Primary" text="Sign In" type="submit" />
        <abp-dropdown-item href="#">New around here? Sign up</abp-dropdown-item>
        <abp-dropdown-item href="#">Forgot password?</abp-dropdown-item>
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Neste documento
Mastering ABP Framework Book
Dominando a estrutura ABP

Este livro o ajudará a obter uma compreensão completa da estrutura e das técnicas modernas de desenvolvimento de aplicativos da web.