
ABP Commercial Road Map

This document provides a road map, release schedule and planned features for the ABP Commercial.

We are releasing ABP Commercial and ABP Framework together and developing the features in sync. So, you may also want to check the road map for the ABP Framework.

The Next Version

The next feature version will be 7.0 and released in December, 2022. We are constantly improving existing modules and tools and introducing new features. See the Backlog Items section for a list of major features considered for the next versions.

Backlog Items

Here, a list of major items in the backlog we are considering to work on in the next versions.

  • .NET MAUI application with Blazor (reuses existing Blazor UI modules).
  • New features and improvements on the LeptonX theme.
  • Payment module: Invoice system, WeChat and Alipay integrations.
  • Prepare more deployment guides and configuration for different platforms.
  • Real-time notification system.
  • Dynamic dashboard system.
  • Account module: Authority delegation, Google authenticator integration.
  • New theme styles and components (including public/corporate web site themes).
  • More module extension points.
  • More code generation / developer assistance features for the ABP Suite.
  • gRPC integration and implementation for all the pre-built modules.
  • CMS Kit features, including FAQ, spam protection, social media feeds, multi-language support, and so on.
  • New features to existing modules.

Feature Requests

Please contact to for your feature requests and other suggestions.

See Also

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In this document
Mastering ABP Framework Book
Mastering ABP Framework

This book will help you gain a complete understanding of the framework and modern web application development techniques.