
ABP Commercial Version 8.2 Migration Guide

This document is a guide for upgrading ABP Commercial v8.x solutions to ABP Commercial v8.2. Please read them all carefully since v8.2 has some changes that you should take care of.

See the ABP Framework migration guide for the changes made in the ABP Framework.

Removed Flag Icon from Language Management Module

The FlagIcon property has been removed from the ILanguageInfo interface and the related property has also been removed from the Language Management Module. Therefore, you may need to create a new migration and apply it to your database.

Besides that, the following changes have done in the Language Management Module:

  • GetFlagListAsync() method has been removed from the ILanguageAppService.
  • LanguageManagementFlagCodeConsts.cs has been deleted.
  • FlagIconColumnComponent.razor has been removed for Blazor UI.

Session Management feature

The Session Management feature allows you to prevent concurrent login and manage user sessions.

In this version, a new entity called IdentitySession has been added to the framework and you should create a new migration and apply it to your database.


Blazor Full-Stack Web UI

In this version, ABP Framework provides a new UI option called Blazor Full-Stack WebApp. We have already created an introduction/migration guide for you to check it: Migrating to Blazor Web App

Please read the documentation carefully if you are considering migrating your existing Blazor project to Blazor WebApp.

CMS Kit - Newsletter Improvements

INewsletterRecordRepository.GetListAsync() and INewsletterRecordRepository.GetCountByFilterAsync() method signatures have been changed as follows:

public interface INewsletterRecordRepository : IBasicRepository<NewsletterRecord, Guid>
    Task<List<NewsletterSummaryQueryResultItem>> GetListAsync(
        string preference = null,
        string source = null,
+       string emailAddress = null,
        int skipCount = 0,
        int maxResultCount = int.MaxValue,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);

    Task<int> GetCountByFilterAsync(
        [CanBeNull] string preference = null,
        [CanBeNull] string source = null,
+       [CanBeNull] string emailAddress = null,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
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Mastering ABP Framework Book
Mastering ABP Framework

This book will help you gain a complete understanding of the framework and modern web application development techniques.